
The US FDA notified the public that the use of stomach acid drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may be associated with an increased risk of Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhea (CDAD). A diagnosis of CDAD should be considered for patients taking PPIs who develop diarrhea that does not improve. The FDA is working with manufacturers […]

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Editor Emeritus on February 2nd, 2012

Nearly one third of Australian adults are suffering vitamin D deficiency according to a study involving more than 11,000 adults from around the country. This is the first national study to evaluate the vitamin D status of Australians. Those at greatest risk for deficiency were women, the elderly, the obese, people doing less than 2.5 […]

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Editor Emeritus on February 2nd, 2012

The highly prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) has again published damaging findings of scientific fraud. The BMJ markets itself with the tagline “Helping doctors make better decisions” but one has to question the quality of decisions based on faked science. The BMJ noted that the current findings of fraudulent behaviour are similar to findings in […]

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Official research described in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report August 19, 2011 / 60(32);1073-1077 shows almost 40 percent of health care personnel rejected influenza vaccination in the 2009-2010 influenza season in the United States. Despite significant pressure and high availability only 61.9% of health care professionals received the seasonal influenza vaccination. The Advisory Committee […]

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Editor Emeritus on August 2nd, 2011

An update newsletter from the Vitamin D Council This weekend, scientists from an American medical institution published a study that has practical implications for patients undergoing ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) surgery. The study, by a group in Utah, may have answered in part the long sought question of why some patients do well after knee […]

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