Editor Emeritus on November 30th, 2005

Yesterday I referred to the practice followed by pharmaceutical companies of taking a natural substance with proven benefits in treating one or more conditions and then synthesizing a close replica with similar effects. The benefits of this process flow to the company because they can patent their product and market it for massive profits. The costs flow to consumers. First there is the high cost of the manufactured product, which is always much greater than the natural product, and then there is the price to pay in terms of unwanted side effects.

The example mentioned yesterday was green tea, which is yet to be exploited by the pharmaceutical industry, but is certainly arousing their interest. Another example is well known and has been around for a very long time. It is white willow bark, a natural source of the salicilate, salicin. This has been used for thousands of years and is far safer than the artificial "copy-cat" product trademarked by Bayer in 1889 known as Aspirin.

Yes, that’s right, contrary to popular belief, drug giant Bayer did not "invent" Aspirin, they merely copied it. However, it isn’t a perfect copy so the drug is not as safe as its natural counterpart. The side effects of Aspirin are so severe they can cause a higher death rate relative to the populations who do not take it.

Interestingly, as early as 200 B.C., Greek physician Hippocrates prescribed a tea made from the bark and leaves of the white willow tree to relieve pain and fever. The medicinal ingredient in white willow bark is salicin, which has been chemically reproduced as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). In 1853, Carl R. Gerhardt was the first to synthesize this better-absorbed chemical cousin to salicin and the rest, as they say, is history.

The downside of Aspirin was noted here recently. Note too that natural sources must be avoided by people with salicilate sensitivities and allergies just as they must avoid the synthetic varieties.

Fortunately, the pain-relieving benefits, as well as any purported cardiovascular benefits, can be obtained without the much higher level of risk associated with Aspirin, by using the nearly forgotten white willow bark tea instead. It is widely available in health food stores and its track record for safety is impeccable.

Editor Emeritus on November 30th, 2005

Green tea’s cancer fighting ability has been established in both animal based research and human trials. The results are very good and that is arousing interest.

As a result, the Division of Cancer Prevention at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has invited applications for grants to develop a "copycat" molecule based on the structure of green tea’s EGCG molecule. Unlike the molecule found in nature, a copycat molecule can be patented and, when used to develop new anti-cancer drugs, become another big moneymaker for pharmaceutical companies.

This is the way Big Pharma works. Actually this is one of the better ways, others include brewing up all kinds of artificial concoctions with their giant chemistry sets. Then they fool gullible people into taking them. They have all these processes down to a fine art.
Generally speaking, when natural compounds with real health benefits are copied, and usually changed slightly to help with the patent applications, the resulting drugs generate many unwanted effects, not caused by the natural product. So if and when the drug companies produce a green tea copy you can be almost certain that it will come with a significant down side.

However,You can get the protective benefits of the "real thing" very easily. Green tea is widely available, effective, and inexpensive. Either enjoy a fresh brew regularly, like I do a few times a day, or take some natural green tea extract that you’ll find in most health food stores. Be well. Your health is in your hands.

Editor Emeritus on November 29th, 2005

Thanksgiving Day marked the end of three days of meetings of delegations from some 70 countries and numerous non-governmental organizations at the 27th Session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition & Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) in Bonn, Germany. The Committee, which started developing a global guideline on vitamin-and-mineral food supplements more than 10 years ago, was attempting at this year’s meeting to address a number of additional contentious issues.

Amongst others, these included the amounts of vitamins and minerals required for good health, the application of risk assessment to establish safe maximum dosages, the scientific basis of health claims, and the implementation of the World Health Organization’s Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health.

The Codex engenders considerable mistrust and suspicion within the alternative health arena. It is widely considered to be too closely aligned with Western orthodox thinking and the pharmaceutical industry. Many see it as an organized effort to slowly but surely eliminate access to alternative and natural health care, remove or seriously reduce the competition faced by the failing Western medical systems and to undermine alternative health services by a combination of spreading rumors of ineffectiveness and dangers, providing false and misleading research findings, and persuading legislators to increasingly restrict freedom to choose alternatives in health care.

So much for the paranoia and conspiracy theories. At this point in time I personally remain unconvinced that the Codex committee is making positive contributions to real health outcomes for people, as opposed to achieving pretty much what many fear. Time will tell. Just keep alert. The impact of the Codex group’s efforts to date in Europe seem to be restrictive on freedoms and to have had a generally negative outcome but it remains to be seen whether they might actually have also helped to eliminate some manufacturers of poor quality products marketed as nutritional supplements.

So for now, be watchful, be vigilant, but let’s not leap to any hasty conclusions. Stay well now.

Editor Emeritus on November 25th, 2005

Many children from poor families in India are fed in schools by the government, and a new government programme is aimed at tackling their nutritional problems. The initiative aims to provide deprived school children with a lemon-flavoured candy that contains "all the necessary vitamins required for healthy development". One can but wonder about a claim like that. For example, which vitamins and how much of each are included, and who made those choices.

Large numbers of children suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which are thought to damage health, impair work capacity and reduce intelligence during young children’s development. The low cost and well-received alternative to supplement pills contains vitamins A and C, iron and folic acid-laced candy. Demonstrating a remarkably short sighted and narrow minded perspective, the Indian government believes this is a positive step towards tackling issues of poor nutrition amongst India’s poorer families.

Evidently 5 million children have been given the candy and plans are afoot to introduce the confection to a further 14 million. The programme is being run by the government alongside the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS). The approach is very different to the views taken by western governments where there is a strong notion against confectionery in schools.

Actively increasing the consumption of sugar, simply highly refined carbohydrates, is nearly criminal in my opinion. I very much doubt that the anti-nutrient qualities of the candy have been factored in when determining appropriate dosages of vitamins and minerals. Indeed, as I said above, I really wonder what amounts of nutrients are being given.

This foolishness strikes me as little more than a marketing coup for the confectionary industry. Having some insight into the way things work in India, you can be quite certain that considerable graft and corruption is involved. Unfortunately, bribery is a way of life in India and I would fully expect that cash and other bribes have been used along with sugar to sweeten this deal.

Editor Emeritus on November 25th, 2005

This is the third and final part of The Toxin Report by Dr Steve Nugent. If you somehow missed the earlier parts they should be easy to find on The Health Gazette site. In this concluding part Dr Nugent presents ways that we can protect ourselves from the dangers that our toxic world presents. Do read it carefully.

So here it is: THE NUGENT TOXIN REPORT Presented by Dr. Steve Nugent (Continued: Part 3 of 3)


We live in extraordinary times. Our bodies and our health require extraordinary support.

Step ONE is to understand that everyone needs nutritional support, every day, regardless of how healthy he or she feels.

We can’t escape the exposure, but we can protect ourselves four ways against it: 1) Immune System Support 2) Antioxidant Support 3) Glandular (Endocrine System) Support 4) Metabolic Support


A. Every year over 500,000 women feel fine before being diagnosed with breast cancer. Over 40,000 of these women die in the US alone every year. Many women have gone to Dr. Nugent saying, "This can’t be happening to me – I feel fine!"

B. Michael Landon was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. On his last appearance on the "Johnny Carson Show", he looked fabulous! His body fat composition was minimal. He looked like a chiseled athlete. Confidently facing the cameras, he stated, "I have never looked or felt better. I know I’m going to beat this cancer"…in three months he was dead.

C. You feel fine when your girlfriend embraces you, covering you with flu virus. You need nutritional support every day, before the exposure, no matter how fine you feel.

D. According to the AMA, (American Medical Association), every US male who lives to age 90 has a 100% probability of getting prostate cancer.

E. In the 1340’s the Bubonic Plague – a simple bacteria – took 2 months to cross Europe, killing approximately half the population. Given the sanitary conditions of Europe in the 1300’s it is certain that the other half of the population also had the Plague, yet they survived.


Their own immune systems were strong enough to protect their lives.

F. What if a medication resistant organism got loose in today’s world of jet travel? Scientists have already discovered a medication resistant strain of Bubonic Plague in Switzerland, and managed to isolate it…this time.

G. The numbers of medication resistant bacteria are on the rise. At St. George Medical School in London England, they were barely able to contain a new mutated bacteria that actually eats the most powerful antibiotics as food. Bacteria become resistant when they are exposed to just enough antibiotic to annoy them but not kill them. First they become stronger, and if the exposure continues, they begin to welcome the drug as food.

H. The article: "The Flu Hunters" published in Time Magazine, Feb.1998, states that we are overdue for a worldwide flu pandemic. The last one was the Spanish Flu in 1918, which killed about 25-30 million people. The next pandemic is expected to kill at least 60 million people. How will your immune system respond?

I. Scientists in June of 1998 warned that Hepatitis C would become the next epidemic. It is now happening.

J. "Time Magazine" in a 1999 article titled: "The Killer Germ" warned of a new strain of E-Coli that is very resistant to medications, and which even feeds on antibiotics. In August 2000, a strain of medication resistant E-Coli got loose in Ontario, Canada, and killed those whose immune systems could not handle the threat. Your OWN immune system is your only real hope!


Oxidation on metal is called rust. Oxidative stress in the body is rusting in the cell, which injures or destroys it. Vitamins A, C, and E are known antioxidants. Selenium, zinc and coenzyme Q10 are antioxidant catalysts. Antioxidants from phytochemicals (naturally occurring plant chemicals in fresh vine- ripened fruits and vegetables) are exceedingly more potent. While antioxidants protect your body from outside the cell membrane, phytochemicals greatly increase the production of glutathione, the body’s own antioxidant, which protects and cleanses within the cell itself.

The Cancer Research Center states that those who eat 8 servings of fresh "VINE-RIPENED" fruits and vegetables per day have a better chance of protection against cancer. Do you eat at least 8 different servings of VINE-RIPENED fruits and vegetables daily?

Fruits and vegetables must be vine ripened to contain maximum amounts of phytochemicals. Your local supermarket sells produce that has been harvested roughly 10 days early to accommodate 3 days transit time and 7 days shelf life.

"PhytAloe", researched and developed by Mannatech Inc., contains the 12 different fruits and vegetables shown to have the highest amounts of plant-derived phytochemical antioxidants. PhytAloe is not a vitamin supplement. PhytAloe contains standardized amounts of phytochemicals from fully vine-ripened produce.

Antioxidants from phytochemicals support the body’s ability to detoxify free radical agents.

Phytochemicals improve micro-circulation in the eyes.

An increasing body of evidence indicates that phytochemicals are essential for the prevention of certain eye disorders.

There is no evidence of danger from using phytochemicals concurrently with chemotherapy, however Dr. Nugent recommends that one work with his oncologist while using supplementation. An oncologist who already uses Ambrotose and PhytAloe in his practice concurrently with chemo states, "The more Ambrotose and PhytAloe I use with my patients, the less chemo I need to use."

PhytAloe contains no measurable amounts of vitamin K, and can be used concurrently with blood thinners.


Anyone who is breathing is under stress. Physical, chemical or emotional stress places extra demands on your glands. The adrenal glands help us handle stress. They are about the size of a ripe strawberry, and sit atop the kidneys.

Hypoadrenia is low adrenal function and occurs when the adrenal glands cannot keep up with continual stress and increasing demands. It affects more people and areas of health than any other gland. Almost nothing is taught about it in medical school because no drugs exist to address the problem.

There are 22 Symptoms of Hypoadrenia (you don’t need all of these symptoms to ‘win’): 1) Chronic tiredness 2) Recurrent sub-acute illness (colds, virus) 3) Long recovery from trauma/surgery or psychological stress 4) Allergies 5) Arthritis/inflammatory disorders 6) Hypoglycemia. If you test negative for low blood sugar but still have symptoms, you have hypoadrenia 7) Poor stamina 8) Poor handling of stress 9) Muscle weakness 10) Muscle soreness with inflammation 11) Scanty hair, even baldness 12) Grooved or vertically ridged fingernails 13) Sallow skin / pale face 14) Under matured sex glands 15) Salt craving. Sodium stimulates the adrenal glands; potassium slows it down. If you think you are hypoadrenic, don’t eat bananas-they lower the metabolic rate! 16) Blood serum is usually higher in potassium and lower in sodium. 17) Decreased body metabolism and decreased body temperature (98 degrees vs. 98.6 degrees). Shake a mercury thermometer down to 94 degrees, and place it by your bed. In the morning, take a 10 minute axillary temperature first thing upon awakening (before leaving the bed to go to the restroom). If it reads more than 1 degree below normal consistently, it is probable that you are low in thyroid or adrenal function. 18) Secondary anemias–B12 or folic acid anemia rather than an iron anemia. 19) Blood Pressure below normal (at a normal BP, all of these symptoms improve) 20) Bladder and /or bowel atonicity 21) Smooth muscle spasms 22) Slow heart rate (normal for athletes).

Some of these symptoms are indicative of other problems, but can also indicate hypoadrenia.


For optimal health, lean body support is essential. Added weight equates to added health risk. 150 million Americans are overweight, a contributing factor to heart disease, diabetes, strokes, and certain cancers. More people’s health is affected by fat than by any other single cause. Obesity is epidemic in the USA. Note the percentages of significantly overweight people by year :

– 1960-1962: 24.4% – 1971-1974: 24.9% – 1976-1980: 25.4%

Around 1980 the Framingham cholesterol and fat study was published. This study stated that if people stopped eating fat and cholesterol, they would become thin and healthy. The indoctrination began immediately. Manufacturers fed off the information and began to create the non-fat fad by altering natural foods into low fat and non-fat foods. The statistics do not continue favorably :

– 1988-1994: 34.8% – 1997: 50+%

The majority of patients and physicians are now convinced that consuming low fat diets and altered foods will lead to weight loss. Yet the more we have changed our eating habits to low fat, the more obese we have become! The USA now has the dubious distinction of being the most obese nation on the planet.

Sales of oversized coffins are up by 20% in the last 5 years, with the largest increase in the last year. By following the low fat and low cholesterol guidelines, we are not getting healthier, and incidence of disease is not dropping!

Fat is killing our population faster than any other disease. By the time the next survey is taken, it appears that the figures will approach or surpass 60%.

There is good fat and bad fat. Essential fatty acids are needed for health. Calories from good fat does good things, like convert to energy. Do not use fat blockers – they also block essential fatty acids.

Do not use carbohydrate blockers – they can also block absorption of essential saccharides.

Excess body fat accounts for 80% of type II diabetes, gallstones, arthritis, heart disease, breast and colon cancer.

Direct and indirect health costs related to excess body fat amount to $68.8billion.

$30 billion a year is spent on weight loss products and programs.


As our environment becomes increasingly toxic and rates of all diseases dramatically increase, it becomes imperative to add nutritional health protection to your diet. It is now possible to ensure immune support, antioxidant support, glandular support and metabolic support through nutritional (nutraceutical) supplementation.

Dr. Nugent strongly encourages his listeners to speak out and become proactive. Ignorance is no longer bliss!!! Personal responsibility exists when the problem as well as the solution is evident to you, and you know of others who need the information you now have. Take action to protect your own health, and share what you know for the sake of others. You may actually save the life of a friend, neighbor or loved one.

I hope you found the amazing array of facts and figures presented in Dr Nugent’s report to be more than simply informative. Read it again and think over the circumstances of your own life. You will doubtless recognize that you are indeed exposed to many toxins every day. They aren’t making you well I can assure you! So take action now. The longer you put it off the higher the probability of illness and untimely death.

If you are wondering where to start, I suggest the following. 1. Identify any removable or avoidable toxins in your daily life and eliminate them. 2. Whatever else you do, be sure to undertake some effective internal cleansing. 3. Improve your wellbeing and secure priceless "health insurance" in the form of balanced nutraceutical supplements. Go ahead, start right now.