Holistic Health

Editor Emeritus on October 10th, 2010

With Shakespeare’s insight Juliet says to Romeo: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.”  There is wisdom in this idea when applied to the context of Romeo and Juliet. However, naming and language are very powerful tools for shaping people’s minds and their thinking and […]

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Editor Emeritus on October 28th, 2009

The research explored what is behind the feeling of not being competent and involved use and detailed analysis of focussed psychological measurement scales. Where it becomes particularly interesting holistically is that it will further clarify the role of demoralization in the etiology and pathogenesis of both physical illnesses and mental disorders.

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Editor Emeritus on October 6th, 2009

John A. Astin, Ph.D., assistant professor in the University of Maryland’s School of Medicine’s Complementary Medicine Program, analyzed 23 clinical studies involving prayer, a technique called non-contact therapeutic touch, as well as other unconventional forms of spiritual intervention in which there is no physical contact between the practitioner and the patient. His findings were published […]

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Editor Emeritus on February 27th, 2006

The very nature of health practice in medicine and related professions is interpersonal. The concept of the person – practitioner relationship is central. This relationship is established and maintained at a level sufficient for acceptable standards of  health care only if and when effective communication is achieved.

Unfortunately, most orthodox medical practice seems deficient in this key area. Even medical textbooks on the topic talk about the "doctor – patient" relationship. Notice that the doctor comes first in this dyad. Further, the profession’s cultural norms are evident in the language they prefer, like the socially strong term for themselves and the very passive term, ‘patient’ for those who seek their services (although they prefer the phrase, need their treatment).

Continue reading about Quality Health Advice Reflects Good Communication

Editor Emeritus on January 27th, 2006

If you ask most people to tell you what health means, or simply ask, what is health, you will come up with some interesting findings. I know, I’ve asked plenty of people. Most troubling to me are three observations.

  1. Most people will say words to the effect that health is not being sick.
  2. Very few people can talk about health without actually talking about disease.
  3. The above applies equally to most so-called health professionals.

The concept of health as a truely positive state seems to be beyond most people’s grasp. Perhaps that’s because the experience of health, real health, is also beyond their grasp.

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